Master Accreditation

1.      Objective
To set standards and provide recognition for competent Feng Shui practitioners who possess the relevant knowledge and practical experiences in the field of Feng Shui practice. 

 2.    After the Accreditation
Practitioners who meet the criteria will be awarded the title of “Master” and are permitted to use the initials “AFSM” (Accredited Feng Shui Master) and the logo of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) in their business.

 3.    Our Strength
IFSA is a reputable body supported by an Executive Committee consisting of many world renowned practitioners and trainers with more than ten years of experience. Hence the Association, with the backing of its Grand Masters, is in the best position to award the title of “Master”.

  4.    Eligibility
To qualify, the practitioner must:

(1)  Possess relevant Feng Shui qualifications from approved Feng Shui Schools or Academy.
(2)  Have registered a Feng Shui related company for a minimum of 3 (three) years.
(3)  Be at least an Associate Member of IFSA.
(4)  Be referred by either a mentor or teacher who is an IFSA accredited Master or Grand Master, an IFSA Executive Committee member or a renowned Feng Shui Practitioner in the industry, as recognized by the Accreditation Board of IFSA. To submit a short CV stating:

(i) When studied
(ii) Studied with whom
(iii) When started practicing

(5)  Submit a written Feng Shui Audit Report on any case study or previous audit completed by the applicant of not more than 5000 words and not more than 10 A4 size pages, in the format as follows:

(i) The applicable school of Feng Shui used in the report
Objective of Audit
(iii) Findings and explanations
(iv) Recommendations

It is recommended that the report should be on a residential or commercial project of reasonable size and complexity so as to reflect the skill and knowledge of the applicant in the area of form school and compass school feng shui theories, Four Pillars of Destiny analysis or other acceptable feng shui disciplines. Any information to demonstrate the applicant’s qualification as a good standard Feng Shui consultant will be helpful.

Should the first Feng Shui Audit Report fail to meet the Master Accreditation Committee’s expectations, the applicant will have a second chance to submit another report between 3-6 months after result of first report submission.  The application will be considered unsuccessful if the second submission also fails to meet the Committee’s expectations.  Any fresh application for Master Accreditation should only be done at least 6 months after result of previous application.

Feng Shui Schools/Academies endorsed by IFSA:

(1)  Way Fengshui Group (Singapore)
(2)  Singapore Feng Shui Centre (Singapore)
(3)  Raymond Lo FengShui & Destiny (Hong Kong)
(4)  Yap Cheng Hai Academy (Malaysia)
(5)  Feng Shui Institute of Excellence (Germany)
(6)  Cristina Groza Feng Shui & Bazi Acdemy (Romania)
(7)  Feng Shui by Jen LLC (USA)

Any other Feng Shui Schools/Academies with equivalent reputation will be considered.

5.    Fee
An application for Master Accreditation shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of S$550 for IFSA Members.  IFSA Chapter Members will pay S$730.

6.    Application
Application for Master Accreditation can be submitted with Form AFSM.01 which can be downloaded
here.  Duly completed application Form ASFM.01 is to be submitted together with the following documents to IFSA Secretariat at

(1) Duly completed Form AFSM.01
(2) Short CV of applicant's feng shui journey.
(3) Certificates of applicant's feng shui education.
(4) Certificate of company registration, showing clearly its foundation date.
(5) Feng Shui audit report as per described above - Point 4(5).

7.    Retention of Title
Retention of the title “Master” and initial “AFSM” will require continued IFSA membership and is subject to review by IFSA.  IFSA reserves the right to grant or refuse accreditation at its own discretion. Should there be a resignation or cancellation of IFSA membership in the future, the applicant is required to stop using the title “Master”, the initial “AFSM” and the Master Accreditation Certificate immediately.  IFSA reserves the right to take legal action against unauthorized usage of IFSA logo or any document bearing its logo by a non-member.

Accreditation Committee of IFSA

For enquiry, please send email to: [email protected] 



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